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The Stripe integration is designed to be as lightweight as possible, accommodating one-off payment and subscriptions.


You must select the Payment (Stripe) module during the project creation


  • Sign up with Stripe.
  • Create a Product.
    • Select recurring for subscriptions
  • Head to the developers section.
  • Uncover the secret key.
  • Add your environment variables to your .env file:

User flow


A pricing page is already available

  1. Fetch and display all your Stripe products
  2. Redirect the user to Stripe when clicking on a product
  3. Display a tag active when a subscription is active

Custom Webhook

Everything is dynamic by default, but you can also execute custom logic on user payments

  • Sign in with Stripe.
  • Set up a webhook listener.
  • For the URL, use your base url followed by /api/billing/webhook/stripe.
  • Choose checkout.session.completed as the event to monitor.
  • Head to the developers section.
  • Uncover the webhook secret.
  • Add your environment variables to the your .env file:
  • Edit the app/plugins/payment/server/payment.routes.tsx file
  • Look for the comment // Add your custom logic here
  • Add your logic