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When you generate an app on Marblism, your entire back-end is already fully functional and customised to your project data model. We create all the endpoints and services you need.

Let's walk you through the main concept and how to get comfortable with your back-end.

File structure

/core → database migration, CORS, cookie
/helpers → generic utilities
/libraries → external libraries like stripe, google auth, etc..
/modules → endpoints/business logic divided by module

Environment Variables

SERVER_PORT3099Server port


You will spend most of your time working in the modules folder. That's where you have all your endpoints, the queries to the database and the business logic.

A module usually represents a database entity. But sometimes, you might make a module for a service that's not tied to any entity, like handling Stripe webhooks.

Let's open the 'tweet' module that Marblism generated for our twitter-like app:

It's split into two key parts:

  • /application
tweet.controller.ts → your endpoints and business logic, call the domain facade
tweet.dto.ts → add validation on incoming requests body

- `/domain`

This is where the module interacts with the database and where the data models for the database entities are kept (model file).

tweet.domain.facade.ts → all your queries to the database
tweet.model.ts → data model definition