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Mobile PWA

The PWA plugin adds mobile-first capabilities to the Next.js app, enabling an installable experience with push notifications for real-time updates.


You must select the Mobile PWA module during the project creation


The plugin is activated when the following environment variables are set:


These variables are pre-configured in your hosting secrets, so no further action is needed for production environments.

To activate it in your workspace:

  • Open your workspace and navigate to the Editor tab
  • Create a .env file if it doesn’t already exist.
  • Copy the above variables from your hosting secrets into the .env file.
  • Restart your app using the options in the Preview tab, located in the topbar.

User Flow

An install icon is now visible on both mobile and desktop devices, allowing users to quickly install the PWA.

Once installed, the app provides a notification settings section where users can enable push notifications.

Sending Notifications

The PwaSubscription model stores the Subscription object, which represents a user's device.

The plugin automatically handles storing this information when the user grants push notification permissions in the app through the PwaClient.Toggle component.

import { PwaClient } from '@/plugins/pwa/client'

export default function ProfilePage() {

return <>
<PwaClient.Toggle />

Then you can use Api functions in the frontend

import { Api } from '@/core/trpc'

const { mutateAsync: sendNotification } = Api.pwa.sendNotification.useMutation()

message: 'Your message',
title: 'Your title',
userIds: [], // if empty, will notify all users

A library is available in the server

import { PwaServer } from '@/plugins/pwa/server'

const pwaSubscriptions = await ctx.database.pwaSubscription.findMany()

const subscriptions = => JSON.parse(item.content)) // The actual PushSubscription is stringified and stored in the PwaSubscription.content property

await PwaServer.service.sendNotifications({
title: 'Your title',
message: 'Your message',

Vapid Keys

You can generate or update your secret keys anytime by running the command npx web-push generate-vapid-keys in your workspace.