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Create an API endpoint

Marblism already generates all the basic API endpoints you would need for each entity in your database:

  • findMany
  • findUnique
  • create
  • update
  • delete

Marblism uses tRPC. You set up your routes on the server, and then you can call them directly from the front-end. It's super efficient, type-safe and makes the development process much simpler.

Let's see how to add an endpoint that returns the number of likes a tweet has.

1. Define a new route in the server router


import { z } from 'zod'
import { Trpc } from '@/core/trpc/server'

export const TweetRouter = Trpc.createRouter({
countTweets: Trpc.procedure
.input(z.object({ tweetId: z.string() }))
.mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) => {

const likes = await{
where: { tweetId: input.tweetId },

return likes.length

2. Export your newly created router


ai: AiRouter,
auth: AuthenticationRouter,
billing: BillingRouter,

3. Use it in the front-end

const { mutateAsync: getNumberLikes } = Api.Tweet.countLikes.useMutation()

//call await getNumberLikes({tweetId: '123'}) to get the number of likes